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YOLO review for beginner from beginner

Yolo is one of the popular object detection models. The first version of Yolo came on the stage of May 16, 2016. And for this time, there is Yolo v5 on git-hub. It may look not fancy and outdated. But to understand the new versions of Yolo, it is necessary to know the first Yolo! Let us review the Yolo paper briefly and talk about the core features of Yolo.   Introduction  Yolo tries a different way to detect objects. Yolo frames the object detection problem as a regression problem, not a classification problem prior algorithms considered. This paper gives an example using R-CNN. Because of using the region proposal method, it says R-CNN is too complicated that makes it slow and not easy to optimize. But Yolo reframe object detection problem as a single regression problem, which means Yolo only looks once an image to make predictions. In other words, It is one stage detection.  Yolo is fast. That is what the paper talks about mainly. A more attractive thing than the exist...

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